Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Comic Station Issue #22 – May 29th 2013

Comic Station Feature
We at Comic Station try to highlight new releases and other series many might otherwise overlook. We typically don’t report on long-standing series unless revolutionary. Due to Memorial Day the shipment of comics has been delayed and Scott can’t join us, so Paul will be alone again on this issue of Comic Station.
New Releases: With the lack of material, we make due with the New Releases from Image Comics and Zenescope we have access to on Comic Station. First, a follow-up on Image Comics’ Five Weapons #4 by Jimmie Robinson, a current favorite in Paul’s pull-list. As part of our continued interest in Zenescope’s Grimm Fairy Tales run on Comic Station, we look at Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole #1 and Realm Knights (One-shot). From Dark Horse Comics, we follow up on The Last of Us #2 and fully expect this one to sell out too.
Review: We have the first review for Rob Mellesh on this issue of Comic Station as a full-fledged member of Front Towards Gamer. Rob reviewed Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #5 so well we want to go back and read this series. Love his quote, “This is how serialized fiction is meant to be done. Brandon Seifert’s script and Lukas Ketner’s art do it in macabre style.”
Thank you and please leave comments here or on YouTube as we continue to evolve our coverage. For a listing of more New Releases we couldn't get to, a list can be found below the video.
Hosts of the Comic Station:
Paul Neafsey (@PNeafsey)
Scott Kaitz (Owner of The Comic Station Store)
Video Editing: Paul Neafsey
Segment Music: Sean Weiland (Risen Phoenix Studios)

Full list of New Releases for Wednesday May 21st 2013 see the article: http://fronttowardsgamer.com/?p=86947

Friday, May 24, 2013

Gap Pal Review (Tech)

Gap Pal - Feature
Ever been on a road trip with more people and things than cup holders? In today’s mobile world it’s hard not to take an electronic or two- or five- everywhere. A cellphone in a cup holder, extra chargers in the glove compartment, and sunglasses the change holder doesn't leave much room. This unbridled need to bring all the information and connectivity with you at all times leaves space at a premium, and that’s where the Gap Pal comes in.
With the Gap Pal the aim is to create more sleeves to store the things you can’t live without. The installation is easy, one end is held in by an elastic band, while the on the other end is held in place by the seat buckle. There are three slots and two pairs of elastic bands, though after installation only two slots remain.
Gap Pal - Ideal Setup
The “ideal” setup. Wish my car was as clean.
Of the original three pouches after installation the Gap Pal is left with only two, one large and one smaller. The larger of the two should fit a standard cellphone or MP3 player. The elasticity of the neoprene fabric allows for some size variation, but unfortunately the design does limit the functionality. The slit design forces larger items to decrease the width and decreases the overall size. Items like larger cellphones or older styles of iPods might be too large thick to fit. Due to the tight fit of the slots, it’s not advisable to utilize the Gap Pal while driving. The best use is for items that are not required while moving or simply extra accessories. The extra space is perfect for an iPod nano, credit cards, headphones, and other smaller items.
The Gap Pal is made of a neoprene fabric that allows for the elasticity and easy washing. Thanks to the design, it should fit most models of cars; the three cars we tested worked. The design of the center console can present it’s own issues though. In the “ideal” setup, the center console is even with the seats, allowing the Gap Pal to be properly confined on both sides and limiting movement.
Gap Pal - Not Ideal Setup
Not the idea layout for installation.
In a car with a sunken center there can be some movement on the open side, though it does allow for easy access to the elastic straps in this setup. Another concern would be in some cars position of the emergency brake or shift control might limit which side to use. Counter-productively, the same installation could cover the center cup holders in some models of cars.
There are a number of considerations to take into account before purchasing a Gap Pal from if it will work best with the model of car intended to if the items will fit and just how much stuff is really needed on the go. However, if space is limited and it’ll work with the setup, then the Gap Pal is an affordable means to expand the functionality of a car. The design could have benefited from more form factors, but the installation of the Gap Pal makes it easily conform to most vehicles. Since it comes with two in a package, use one for yourself and give the other to a friend if you want to be nice. It might not be perfect for everyone, but it’ll be perfect for someone.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tablet Pal: Review (Tech)

Tablet Pal - Feature
With the rising role of mobile computing such as smart phones, tablets, and everything in between there has been an equal or greater growth in the accessories market as well. We use these accessories to keep these valuables safe or support certain functions. With tablets, there are a myriad of options when it comes to display stands. With each, there exist trade-offs that'll depend on the needs of the purchaser. This applies to the Tablet Pal as well.
Tablet Pal - Colors
But does it come in plaid?
Tablet Pal comes in a host of colors to suit your style from blue, red, green, and more. Further, coming in two sizes the stand accommodates both full sized 9.5″ to 11″ tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire HD, and smaller 7″ tablets such as the original Kindle Fire. This is accomplished by stretching the soft-form corners, which has the benefit of allowing the Tablet Pal to adjust for size, but only slightly. This also does not block much screen space and leaves the charging ports open for charging while in use.
When using a Kindle Fire the speakers located at the top were not disrupted. Tests with rear-facing speakers were not muffled too much, though it can be noticeable. Since the non-skid bottom and horizontal position are the only options vertical viewing is not possible. This limits the use and makes multimedia viewing the best use for the stand.
Tablet Pal - Car
Now I want a red car to match my Tablet Pal.
With the non-skid bottom it also provides a good grip while driving, allowing for use as a GPS Unit or entertainment. However, the Tablet Pal had minimal sliding action in cars with regular dashes. While it held well, the best place for this mobile usage would be in a car with a depression on the dashboard. Otherwise, while it hold relatively well, the Tablet Pal still slides when taking a turn. Use as a GPS Unit or otherwise isn’t recommended for city driving. The Tablet Pal Pro offers an additional dashboard pad, making it the best option for those looking for use in the car. Otherwise, it should only be recommended for passengers to use while driving.
Tablet Pal - Lap
Knew it wouldn’t be long till the Wife got her hands on it.
Since the Tablet Pal is essentially a cushion pillow it lacks the ability to fold flat like other tablet stands. This limits the portability and storage. It does however offer more stability and security for some potentially very expensive technology. The form and neoprene fabric make it very comfortable as a lap case. There is even a slot located at the top that can accommodate a small USB wall charger, though the size is limited, but items the size of headphones are no problem.
As with most technology accessories there is a trade-off of form and function. With the Tablet Pal portability and viewing options are sacrificed for stability. We wouldn’t recommend driving with the Tablet Pal in the front seat, but it can still be used to entertain passengers.
Overall, the Tablet Pal offers a great deal of stability and can be recommended on this major feature alone. Unfortunately, the lack of portability and inability to adjust viewing angle or tablet size it fits leaves the real-world applicatiable situations limited. For those looking for a comfortable and stable option the Tablet Pal certainly fulfils these requirements.
Tablet Pal

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Comic Station Issue #21 – May 22nd 2013

Comic Station 21 Feature
We at Comic Station try to highlight new releases and other series many might otherwise overlook. We typically don’t report on long-standing series unless revolutionary. We continue our coverage of Zenescope’s Unleashed event and there’s a special interview announcement at the end.
New Releases: On this week’s Comic Station we look on as DC Comics brings out their opposite to The Movement with a bunch of young Tony Stark wannabees in The Green Team #1. A new kind of superhero enters in The Bounce #!than Image Comics. The classic Snow White story gets a remake and Steampunk venere in Antarctic Press’s Steampunk Snow White One-Shot. We end this issue of Comic Station with Grimm Fairy Tales’ Werewolves: The Hunger #1 from Zenescope.
Review: We continue our coverage of Zenescope's’ Unleashed event with a review of Hunters: The Shadowlands #1in this issue of Comic Station.
Recommendation: Scott highlights a hero who hasn’t always received the admiration he could have with DC Comics’ New 52 Aquaman series.
Thank you and please leave comments here or on YouTube as we continue to evolve our coverage. For a listing of more New Releases we couldn't get to, a list can be found below the video.

Full Article: http://fronttowardsgamer.com/2013/05/22/comic-station-issue-21-may-21st-2013/

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Comic Station Issue #20 – May 15th 2013

Comic Station #20 Feature
We at Comic Station try to highlight new releases and other series many might otherwise overlook. We typically don't report on long-standing series unless revolutionary. We add a little something extra in our Reviews and Recommendation section. Though, Scott is out sick this week, so there won't be a recommendation section in this Comic Station.
New Releases: The story of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel crosses over with Avengers Assemble in Avengers: The Enemy Within #1 from Marvel Comics. Doomsday might have missed the mayan calendar, but in Doomsday .1 #1from IDW it still comes nonetheless. What could go wrong when a loser, pothead and all-around bad boyfriend steals an Aboriginal headmask? He wakes up not surrounded by dead people and blood on his hands in Dream Thief #1 from Dark Horse Comics.
Review: The Dream Merchant #1 from Image Comics continues the dream theme on this issue of Comic Station, and again it makes for an interesting read.
Thank you and please leave comments here or on YouTube as we continue to evolve our coverage. For a listing of more New Releases we couldn't get to, a list can be found below the video.
Recommendation: Scott is sick, so no recommendation this Comic Station.

Full Article: http://fronttowardsgamer.com/?p=86181

Hosts of the Comic Station:
Paul Neafsey (@PNeafsey)
Scott Kaitz (Owner of The Comic Station Store)
Video Editing: Paul Neafsey
Segment Music: Sean Weiland (Risen Phoenix Studios)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Free Comic Book Day 2013 PSA

With Free Comic Book Day coming up this Saturday I wanted to give everyone a heads up. We go over the 52 free comic books and plenty of events you can expect. Go to FreeComicBookDay.com to enter your ZIP Code to find local participating comic shops.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Comic Station Issue #18 – May 1st 2013

Comic Station Feature
We at Comic Station try to highlight new releases and other series many might otherwise overlook. We typically don't report on long-standing series unless revolutionary.
New Releases: This week on Comic Station the biggest publisher might not be the best. The Movement #1 from DC Comics features kids who use technology and super powers to enforce their territory. From Image Comics, Ten Grand #1 features a mob enforcer on a path of redemption and the chance to spend just five more minutes with his deceased girlfriend. As my favorite of this weeks Comic Station, Suicide Risk #1 from Boom Publishers follows a regular cop – maybe – who fights against supervillains in a world where heroes are scarce and powers can be bought for the right price.
Review: The Victories: Transhuman #1 from Dark Horse Comics takes the Comic Station to a realm of deeper meanings than most comics have now-a-days. From world-encompassing themes of humanity to personal struggles with self-image. Not for young readers, both due to the high level of issues delved into, but the vulgar language and occasional use of nudity. A thinking man's comic and one that takes a direction rarely seen.
Recommendation: Scott recommends Batman: The Killing Joke on this issue of Comic Station. An oldie, but an amazing read and still an essential part of the Batman mythos.
Thank you and please leave comments here or on YouTube as we continue to evolve our coverage. For a listing of more New Releases we couldn't get to, a list can be found below the video.

Full article and list of new comics: http://fronttowardsgamer.com/2013/05/01/comic-station-issue-18-may-1st-2013/