Thursday, July 25, 2013

SDCC 2013: San Diego Comic Con News Round-Up

SDCC 2013 FeatureIf you’re not aware, last week there was a little gathering of people from the wide-world-of-comics in San Diego. For those unfamiliar, the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC of short) is a yearly event that has grown exponentially in size and importance since 145 people in 1970 to over 130,000 attendees in 2012. From comic books the show has expanded to include video games, movies and television, attracting big announcements and stars from these industries. Some argue that SDCC has outpaced its comic book roots, but there is no denying the importance of this event to the comic book industry.
We’ve gathered a number of the biggest announcements in the list below as well as a video run-down in more detail in order to give a central location for your SDCC news. Please feel free to leave any comments below the article if we missed anything as we’re more than happy to continuely evolve this article to include as much relevant information as possible.
From the Movies coverage of SDCC we’ve decided to break it down by comic book affliation rather than production company:

SDCC Movies


  • DC Comics
    • Arguably the biggest announcement of SDCC 2013 was that the follow-up to the 2012 Summer movie Man of Steel with be a Batman vs. Superman movie slated for 2015. Zack Synder and David Goyer from Man of Steel return to head the project, and while Henry Cavil will donning the Superman suit again there is debate to who will/should be playing the role of the dark knight.
    • Flash Movie was announced, slated for 2016.
    • The Justice League Movie, long awaited, has been rumored to be pushed back to 2017.
  • Marvel
    • X-Men: Days of Future Past, the follow-up X-Men: First Class, has been slated for 2014 and there were a number of cast members on the panel with a few characters confirmed to be making an appearance such as Bishop. A general plot has been discussed involving time travel and Wolverine.
    • Captain America: Winter Soldier (April 2014) continues to look amazing with more art and screen shots shown.
    • Guardians of the Galaxy will be making it’s way to the big screen August 2014 and while only a few concept images have been shown so far it has garnered some fan attention at SDCC so far.
    • The big news from Marvel at SDCC 2013 was the announcement of the Avengers sequel title: Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. While Hank Pym will have his own movie later, it has been confirmed Ant-Man won’t make an appearance in this movie and Ultron will instead has a new origin story – much to some peoples apprehension/glee.
  • Vin Diesel will be returning to the role of Riddick in Sept 2013 in simply titled Riddick movie as well as a motion comic prequel.
  • Many many more movies were discussed such as Kick Ass 2, 300: Rise of an Empire, Robocop, Godzilla, and Hunger Games: Catching Fire.


  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had it’s pilot episode shown, and while the mystery of Agent Coulson’s return was hinted at it wasn’t explained. Viewers reactions have been very positive so far. The show will air on ABC on September 24th.
  • The cast of The Walking Dead gathered in a panel to discuss the next season, though not much details were discussed – rightfully so, surprise is a big draw.
  • Game of Thrones had it’s own panel with a large number of characters who have met their end showing up to montage of death scenes.
  • The Simpsons announced two crossovers: Family Guy and Futurama.
SDCC Games

Video Games

  • Batman Arkham Origins had a number of announcements and some confusion at SDCC, but in the end it summed up: Robin and Batgirl won’t be in the game and while Copperhead was announced the character has undergone a remake (that we like) along with a trailer.
  • It was confirmed in Telltale’s The Walking Dead Season 2 that Clementine will return much to everyone’s joy.
  • Lego Marvel Superheroes continues to expand the roster of announced characters and trailers!
SDCC Comics


  •  Image Comics celebrated the 10th Anniversary of The Walking Dead with the promise of even more violence and conflict to come.
  • Dark Horse Comics announced a number of things at SDCC:
    • A new Terminator series from Stracynski
    • Gail Simone will pen a new Tomb Raider comic
    • Black Beetle will return in a second series
    • A new Halo comic set after the events of Halo 4 was announced
  • The end of the Marvel’s Ultimates Universe might be coming as Galactus kicks off the “Cataclysm Event” in Marvel’s next arc.

We also have a video format of all this SDCC news!

Again, please feel free to let us know if we missed anything from SDCC 2013 that you would like to see added to this article (we’ll credit your addition) in the comments below

Comic Station Issue #30 – July 24th 2013

Comic Station #30 Feature
We at Comic Station try to highlight new releases and other series many might otherwise overlook. We typically don’t report on long-standing series unless revolutionary. We add a little something extra in our Reviews and Recommendation section.
New Releases: We have what is probably our biggest publisher New Releases to Comic Station. The Hunger #1from Marvel kicks off with Galactus entering the Ultimate Universe. Superior Spider-man Team-Up #1 has Octavius meeting, and beating, many great heroes and villains alike. The only small publisher on this issue of Comic Station,The All New Fathom #1 from Aspen Comics is a good start for those looking to get into the Fathom series. We end with Hawkeye Annual from Marvel.
Review: Batman ’66 #1 from DC Comics and Superior Carnage #1 from Marvel are the two large publishers reviewed this week on Comic Station. Invincible #104 from Image Comics continue it’s run, while Watson and Holmes #1 from New Paradigm Studios takes old characters and reimagines them in modern New York.  Finally, Mass Effect: Foundation #1 from Dark Horse Comics contains a great twist that is great for fans and new readers.
Extra: There will be a separate Comic Station article and video going over the highlights of the San Diego Comic Convention soon.
Thank you and please leave comments here or on YouTube as we continue to evolve our coverage.
Hosts of the Comic Station:
Paul Neafsey (@PNeafsey)
Scott Kaitz (Owner of The Comic Station Store)
Video Editing: Paul Neafsey
Segment Music: Sean Weiland (Risen Phoenix Studios)
For the listing of New Releases for Wednesday July 24th 2013 that we couldn't get to, see the full article:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Comic Station Issue #29 – July 17th 2013

Comic Station Feature
We at Comic Station try to highlight new releases and other series many might otherwise overlook. We typically don’t report on long-standing series unless revolutionary. We add a little something extra in our Reviews and Recommendation section.
New Releases: Since we reviewed Blood Brothers #1 from Dark Horse Comics in last weeks’ Comic Station, we just briefly mention it today. Batman ’66 from DC Comics tries to recapture the old Adam West Batman style, while Red Sonja #1 from Dynamite moves this classic character forward. Boom Comics mixes the vampire craze with mafia to create Day Men #1.
Review: There were five Comic Station reviews this week, so we try to shotgun through them in reasonable time. First,Skin Trade #1 from Image Comics. Second, Oz #1 from Zenescope followed by Dawn: The Swordsman Daughter and Other Tales in third. Rounding out the reviews in fourth and fifth place for this Comic Station issue were The Unforgivable #1 Experiment 11:34 from Brainmachine Comix and Kafka HC from Image respectively.
Extra: Since Scott couldn’t join us for this issue of Comic Station, Paul and Lido remind everyone that Sandiego Comic Con is this week and briefly go over what they’re looking forward to from SDCC.
Thank you and please leave comments here or on YouTube as we continue to evolve our coverage. For a listing of more New Releases we couldn’t get to, a list can be found below the video.
Hosts of the Comic Station:
Paul Neafsey (@PNeafsey)
Lido Giovannchini standing in for Scott Kaitz (Owner of The Comic Station Store)
Video Editing: Paul Neafsey
Segment Music: Sean Weiland (Risen Phoenix Studios)
For a full listing of New Releases for Wednesday July 17th 2013:

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Unforgivable #1 Experiment 11:34 Review (Comic)

The Unforgivable Feature
Immediately the cover of The Unforgivable #1 Experiment 11:34 from Brainmachine Comix is reminiscent of a 80′s heavy metal album cover. It grabs your attention and promises a visceral, and that’s exactly what is delivered inside. Like many great albums it assaults your senses with imagery and hidden messages, but does all the noise get in the way?
The tale of The Unforgivable recounts the events that the self-described, “The father of time… the soul geist of reality and space”, Necodemis Necrowpolis kicks into motion. The writer, Paskael Tyiska, isn’t one to dream small as is evident in the nature of Necodemis’s experiment. This experiment was his last attempt to escape the prison of time and does no less than creates life. From life darkness gives birth to light, light casts unholy shadows, Angels and Demons are formed. In essence, Experiment 11:34 created existence and all the conflict that comes with it.
The Unforgivable - Image1
Among the other interpretations, Angels aren’t what you might expect.
The heavily judeo-christian plot of The Unforgivable #1 Experiment 11:34 benefits from Alan Tham’s artwork. The loose interpretation of some of these biblical scenes range from the lush forest of Eden to the Gates of Heaven themselves. There are stunning moments of great details and depth, but the majority features massive heavenly battles full of  violence. It’s unfortunate that these more dense action scenes contribute to an already confusing story. Tham’s art style flourishes among the more serene scenery, while being so packed with details during fights that a few additional readings might be required.
In the moments of clarity there is a great read to be found in The Unforgivable. Whether using one word or a soliloquy, Paskael Tyiska writes just enough to convey the moment at just the right level. It’s a testimony to the intriguing story, enough familiar with more unknowns, that draw you in for more. Enough to push through to the end and want more.
Unforgivable - Image2
One of the less confusing scenes. Literally layers on layers.
While The Unforgivable story might be layered and meant to have depth, it ultimately comes off confusing. The biblical interpretations give a grounded understanding while bringing their own view to the story. The opening with Necrompolis was by far the most unclear point of the book with flowery words and untold back-story. It also left a lot of unanswered questions, ones that hopefully will get answered soon in future issues but they left an hole after the last page. In the end I was left with a confused satisfaction, one of not fully understanding everything but willing to read it again to help digest everything in The Unforgivable.
FTG Rating 7.5

Saturday, July 13, 2013

OZ #1 Review (Comic)

OZ Feature


The Grimm Fairy Tales Universe has long explored, expanded and destroyed the three Realms with Earth stuck in the middle. In all this time, wedged between the Realms of Myst the realm of magic, Neverland the source of imagination, Wonderland a world of dreams, and Earth the Nexus that binds them existed a fourth, Oz “The Realm of Hope”. Finally, with the help of one of the creators of Zenescope’s Grimm Fairy Tales, Joe Brusha takes up the pen and we finally get to take a walk down the yellow brick road in Oz #1.
This is definitely not your grandmothers Wizard of Oz.. The first glimpses show a dark world plagued by witches, shadows, wolves and death. It’s certainly not Kansas, made even more evident contrasted against the bright colors and  vibrant artwork of Rolando Di Sessa and Glauber Matos. Dorothy has the Zenescope flair and independent drive just waiting to burst through her farm girl life.
OZ Kansas Image
Just a good ol’ Kansas girl, right?
You can take the farm girl out of the farm, but you can’t take the highborn out of the girl. Dorothy exhibits a hidden power that eludes her, entices her and flows through her – however briefly. From the dark comes Toto. He too is not what he was, but the hulking near-wolf creature quickly takes to our heroine hiding a secret that might well hold the key to why the witches of Oz continue to hunt him. The wolf is a large step up from the little yappy dog of the movies, and I want one!
There is more than just Toto that has changed. Besides the obvious change in Dorothy’s wardrobe the darker elements have also undergone a transformation. The witches have upgraded their help as well. It won’t be a skip down the lane in sunshine, but one more mature. Probably the most dynamic change takes place when Dorothy finally lands in Muchkin Land; let’s just say I don’t see them breaking out into song anytime soon.
In true Zenescope fashion the art is beautiful, Dorothy is beautiful yet strong and there is big trouble brewing. The pacing is fantastic for a first issue setting crumbs of a larger mystery, introducing characters and establishing it’s own presence. There’s a promise that the events in Oz will spill over into the rest of the Grimm Fairy Tale Universe with Dorothy standing at the center of things. As a standalone title or accompanying the Grimm titles, OZ #1 is a fine addition to Zenescope’s lineup, one that I can’t wait to see where this yellow brick road takes us.
FTG Rating 8.5

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Comic Station Issue #28 – July 10th 2013

Comic Station #28 Feature
We at Comic Station try to highlight new releases and other series many might otherwise overlook. We typically don’t report on long-standing series unless revolutionary. We add a little something extra in our Reviews and Recommendation section.
New Releases: The quirky title, Quantum and Woody #1 from Valiant Comics kicks of Issue #28 of Comic Station. Black Mask publishes an acid trip of title in Ballistic #1. Two Image Comics titles, Sheltered #1 and Ghosted #1 finish up our full preview section. In a rare move, we continue the new releases Comic Station section with a number of other titles we just couldn't get to.
Review: We’re a week early for this Comic Station review, with Dark Horse Comics title Blood Brothers #1 coming out next Wednesday. A brothers-butting-heads humor that manages to set the stage for larger things.
Recommendation: Scott recommends one of his favorites, The Indestructible Hulk series.
Thank you and please leave comments here or on YouTube as we continue to evolve our coverage. For a listing of more New Releases we couldn’t get to, a list can be found below the video.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Comic Station Issue #27 – July 3rd 2013

Comic Station #27 Feature
We at Comic Station try to highlight new releases and other series many might otherwise overlook. We typically don’t report on long-standing series unless revolutionary. We add a little something extra in our Reviews and Recommendation section.
New Releases: Lots of number one’s this Comic Station, starting with Mercy Sparx #1 from Arcana Press. Avatar Press follows up it’s previous offering, with Absolution Rubicon #1 which continues the story of Absolution. The Trinity Wars event for DC Comics gets started with Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1. After the major event of the Marvel Comics universe, the defeat of Ultron brings new threats in Avengers AI #1.
Review: Two new reviews by Lido this Comic Station, with Satellite Sam #1 from Image Comics and Hawkeye #11from Marvel.
Recommendation: Scott recommends a comic from last weeks Comic Station with Lazarus #1.
Thank you and please leave comments here or on YouTube as we continue to evolve our coverage. For a listing of more New Releases we couldn't get to, a list can be found below the video.
Hosts of the Comic Station:
Paul Neafsey (@PNeafsey)
Scott Kaitz (Owner of The Comic Station Store)
Video Editing: Paul Neafsey
Segment Music: Sean Weiland (Risen Phoenix Studios)
For the full listing of New Releases for Wednesday July 3rd 2013: